Week 3

16/18 February

Lead: Team 2

Reading assignment: (for everyone)

Optional additional readings:

Response assignments for Team 3 and Team 5: By 1:59pm on Monday, 15 February (note the slightly extended deadline from the usual Sunday evening response to avoid having a deadline on Valentine’s Day), post a response to the Race After Technology (RAT) reading and the ProPublica article that does at least one of these options:

  1. Briefly explain the findings of the ProPublica article and how it ties into Benjamin’s discussion of default discrimination. How can developers avoid creating algorithms such as this recidivism risk scores assessment? Discuss how you might approach this issue as a developer informed by the two readings.
  2. Respond to something in one of the readings that you found interesting or surprising.
  3. Identify something in one of the readings that you disagree with, and explain why.
  4. Respond constructively to something someone else posted.

Response assignments for Team 1 and Team 4: By 10:59pm on Monday, 15 February, post a response to the readings that either (1) responds constructively to one of the initial postings, or (2) does any of the options above, but without duplicating points that were already made.

Class Meetings

Lead by Team 2

Slides for Week 3 [PDF]

Blog Summary

Written by Team 5

Tuesday’s Class

We began Tuesday’s class with a warm up discussion at each table about the following questions: What is the difference between institutional racism and individual racism? Is one more harmful than the others? How does technology support/propagate both?

Our discussions found that institutional racism reaches more people on a bigger scale but often is limited by legal boundaries and pushback from within the society. Individual racism, on the other hand, can be more targeted and often is experienced more acutely by individuals. Technology has supported institutional racism by enabling data collection that help institutions in making more effective racist policies. Social media as a piece of technology has also propagated individual racism by allowing racist trolls to have a voice in society and go after individuals that they would not be able to in real life.

We then went into discussion groups to talk about the dilemma companies face to bring products to market quickly and testing properly. We discussed issues such as Google not being able to recognize darker-colored faces as well as lighter-colored ones. Students raised the point that population demographics are important considerations when testing their product.

Smaller companies are often targeting a smaller subset of the population whereas large companies are aiming for a bigger market should ensure its testing and data collection match up to reality. There is also an economic cost for collecting a larger dataset, which is a price that not every company can pay. No company/project has an unlimited budget. There are times when we have to decide whether to sidetrack the entire development trajectory in pursuit of inclusivity. Companies are profit-driven so it becomes a matter of aligning financial interest with anti-racism interests.

Voice technology presents a similar dilemma as facial recognition technology, since American English is typically treated as the standard that is accepted whereas accents and other languages are often accounted for as afterthoughts. Here, the costs of training voice assistants to support multiple languages and ways of speaking are clearly high, and even large companies have not done this (and there does not seem to be any public outrage about it, compared to what has happened with face recognition).

We then discussed in groups the issues of using ML and AI in a use case with paramount importance such as criminal justice. We all generally agreed that the Machine bias article is more technical than RAT. A lot of technical mistakes were made, which begs the question of what kind of engineering process took place. Criminal justice is also still a context where it is important that humans are responsible for decisions, and human judgment and justification cannot be replaced by algorithms.

Thursday’s Class

We began Thursdays class with a discussion on the homework assignment: examples of “glitches” of varying intentionality from the book or elsewhere. Examples included Google correlating images of Black people with gorillas, which was discussed to not stem from malicious intent, but rather a lack of holistic testing, similarly to Twitter’s images consistently focusing on subjects with lighter skin. Additionally, the innovation of Polaroid pictures and facial recognition AI in order to improve surveillance of Black citizens in Apartheid South Africa and China exemplify development as the result of malicious intent.

We reviewed optional reading number one: “Stop explaining black box machine learning models for high stakes decisions and use interpretable models instead” by Cynthia Rudin. Here are a couple of points from the reading we went over:

  • Black Box Machine Learning Models which give the power to the computer to make decisions/connect variables and other factors in their decision making that are not necessarily readable by humans vs interpretable models.

  • Argument: Interpretable models should be used instead of trying to explain the decision making process of the black-box model. Interpretable models can be difficult to develop, but the pros can outweigh the uncertainty within the black-box models.

  • It can be difficult to reduce black-box models into 3-5 simple rules, but in some cases, a few simple rules can perform as well as a complex black-box model.

    • CORELS was an interpretable machine learning model that reduced COMPAS model to three simple rules that produced the same scores
  • Black box models find hidden patterns within these calculations, and if we want to move forward with interpretable models, we need to make sure they are also finding these.

  • Some issues with black box models are that they combine variables in ways humans do not understand and explanations for these models are often unreliable and misleading.

Then, in groups, we created an interpretable model for determining whether an incoming first year student will become a CS major. Common parameters included whether or not the student had prior exposure through courses in high school such as AP Computer Science or a relative who is a software engineer. This algorithm could result in bias due to less affluent students not having access to these courses or exposure to the field through their family. Other parameters suggested that the school the student enrolled in was a sufficient determiner, as transfering from the Nursing school or the A-school is less likely. A big question about this exercise is about how the model will be used — if it would impact the opportunities students have, certain features that may be useful in predictions would result in unacceptable biases; if the goal is just to estimate the number of CS majors in the incoming class, maybe this isn’t an issue, and learning about the factors that impact major decisions could be helpful for a program to reconsider how it is treating students that might not match the “model’s expectations”.

It is also important to note that exposure to technology leads to a bias due to the digital divide between those without access to computers, and the current demographics or culture of CS may lead to further discouragement of those without exposure to the field or in marginalized communities. It is important to note what the model is being used for, as some use cases may lead to worse outcomes with bias. For example, using the algorithm to encourage student enrollment would escalate the biases, but using the algorithm to determine where enrollment is lacking would decrease the biases.

We reviewed optional reading number two: “The Age of Secrecy and Unfairness in Recidivism Prediction” Here are a couple of points from the reading we went over:

  • Argument: “The focus on the question of fairness is misplaced, as these algorithms fail to meet a more important and yet readily obtainable goal: transparency”
  • ProPublica had a flawed analysis that claimed the proprietary prediction model COMPAS is racially biased
  • Lack of transparency allows errors to “propagate and results in damage to society”
  • Findings from this:
    • Reconstructed COMPAS model for Broward County to study
    • The model “does not seem to depend linearly on the defendant’s age despite statements to the contrary by the creator”
    • Found that COMPAS scores performed equally well with or without direct knowledge of race: contradicts ProPublica’s claim
  • Examples of bias:
    • Bryan Row given a COMPAS violent score of 1 despite history including trafficking cocaine and battery of a pregnant woman
    • Glenn Rodriguez: denied parole bc of miscalculated COMPAS score due to human error

We then in groups discussed the importance of transparency and the outcome of an algorithm. Some groups explained that there is little incentive for companies to be transparent due to the profitability of complex, black boxed algorithms. Other groups added that transparency alone may not lead to change if the algorithms are not critiqued by the public, emphasizing that developers need to use transparency to investigate bias. Lastly, transparency alone is not sufficient: a transparent model may incorporate bias, and the process to produce the model may be biased. Just because a model appears to be “fair”, doesn’t mean it is, and fairness tests may be able to identify biases not obvious in a transparent model.